Esoteric Practices Courses

The Definitive Guide To Intuitive Aura Reading

The Definitive Guide To Intuitive Aura Reading, available at $74.99

Accredited Sound Healing Level 1

Accredited Sound Healing Level 1, available at $69.99

Certified Predictor: Yellow Belt

Certified Predictor: Yellow Belt, available at $44.99

Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training

Karuna Ki Reiki Master Training, available at $84.99


Runecasting, available at $54.99

Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types

Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types, available at $49.99

SPIRIT ANIMALS – Shamanism With Power Animal Wisdom

SPIRIT ANIMALS – Shamanism With Power Animal Wisdom, available at $19.99

Evoking Spirit, Abridged – A7.A

Evoking Spirit, Abridged – A7.A, available at Free

Psychic Power- Make Right Decision Now Using Your Intuition

Psychic Power- Make Right Decision Now Using Your Intuition, available at $19.99

Astrology for Healing

Astrology for Healing, available at $74.99

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