Gary Simon Courses

Design and Animate a Gamer UI

Design and Animate a Gamer UI, available at $29.99

Effective iOS & Android App Icon Design

Effective iOS & Android App Icon Design, available at $19.99

Logo Design: Mastering the Wordmark

Logo Design: Mastering the Wordmark, available at $54.99

Create a MEAN App by Example – Full Stack Course

Create a MEAN App by Example – Full Stack Course, available at $54.99

How To Launch Your App In Just 16 hrs – Android Development

How To Launch Your App In Just 16 hrs – Android Development, available at $39.99

Learn Bootstrap 4 by Example

Learn Bootstrap 4 by Example, available at Free

Build a Beautiful CryptoCurrency App using Ionic

Build a Beautiful CryptoCurrency App using Ionic, available at $19.99

Create a Full Ionic App with Material Design – Full Stack

Create a Full Ionic App with Material Design – Full Stack, available at $22.99

The Ultimate Vue 2 Crash Course – Learn by Example

The Ultimate Vue 2 Crash Course – Learn by Example, available at Free

Use Vuejs 2 to Create a Beautiful SEO-Ready Website

Use Vuejs 2 to Create a Beautiful SEO-Ready Website, available at $19.99

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