How to Optimize your PC's Performance and Clean it Safely
How to Optimize your PC's Performance and Clean it Safely, available at $19.99
Complete AVR Microcontroller Programming Course
Complete AVR Microcontroller Programming Course, available at $44.99
Design with KiCad
Design with KiCad, available at $89.99
SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) with Xilinx Vivado 2020.1
SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) with Xilinx Vivado 2020.1, available at $79.99
USB Behind the Scenes: Hands-on HID Firmware Development
USB Behind the Scenes: Hands-on HID Firmware Development, available at $84.99
Start the Internet of Things (IoT) from scratch
Start the Internet of Things (IoT) from scratch, available at $19.99
Humanoid Robotics using Raspberry Pi
Humanoid Robotics using Raspberry Pi, available at $39.99
Arduino Simulation and Block Coding
Arduino Simulation and Block Coding, available at $19.99
Arduino SMS Sending Motion Detector using Python
Arduino SMS Sending Motion Detector using Python, available at $44.99