K.Sathyaprakash Reddy Courses

Doctor Appointment Booking App with React ,Firebase , ANT D

Doctor Appointment Booking App with React ,Firebase , ANT D, available at $54.99

The Complete React Developer Course (w/Hooks , Context API)

The Complete React Developer Course (w/Hooks , Context API), available at $64.99

Build 20 Hands On Projects in React and Javascript

Build 20 Hands On Projects in React and Javascript, available at $39.99

React Crashcourse for Beginners with a Hands-On Project

React Crashcourse for Beginners with a Hands-On Project, available at $29.99

Master Front End Web Development-Build 3 Portfolio Projects

Master Front End Web Development-Build 3 Portfolio Projects, available at $59.99

Full Stack Ecommerce App With React , Redux , Firebase 2021

Full Stack Ecommerce App With React , Redux , Firebase 2021, available at $49.99

Complete React and Redux Bootcamp Build 10 Hands-On-Projects

Complete React and Redux Bootcamp Build 10 Hands-On-Projects, available at $54.99

MERN Stack Movie Reviews and Recommendations App

MERN Stack Movie Reviews and Recommendations App, available at $79.99

MERN Stack Doctor Appointment Booking App

MERN Stack Doctor Appointment Booking App, available at $59.99

MERN Stack Real Time Chat App – React , Node , Socket IO

MERN Stack Real Time Chat App – React , Node , Socket IO, available at $64.99

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