Manuel Amunategui Courses

CatBoost vs XGBoost – Quick Intro and Modeling Basics

CatBoost vs XGBoost – Quick Intro and Modeling Basics, available at Free

Machine Learning Entrepreneurship – Applied Data Science

Machine Learning Entrepreneurship – Applied Data Science, available at $59.99

Explore, Track, Predict the ISS in Realtime With Python

Explore, Track, Predict the ISS in Realtime With Python, available at Free

Automating Data Exploration with R

Automating Data Exploration with R, available at $22.99

Finding Actionable Insights using Keras Autoencoders

Finding Actionable Insights using Keras Autoencoders, available at Free

Find Actionable Insights using Machine Learning and XGBoost

Find Actionable Insights using Machine Learning and XGBoost, available at Free

Explore Population Pyramids with Python and Web Applications

Explore Population Pyramids with Python and Web Applications, available at Free

Build a Web Application with Python, Flask and NLP

Build a Web Application with Python, Flask and NLP, available at Free