Intelligent Mobile Apps with Ionic and API.AI (DialogFlow)
Intelligent Mobile Apps with Ionic and API.AI (DialogFlow), available at $19.99
Ionic 3 Apps for WooCommerce: Build an eCommerce Mobile App
Ionic 3 Apps for WooCommerce: Build an eCommerce Mobile App, available at $79.99
Networking on Android using Retrofit 2
Networking on Android using Retrofit 2, available at $24.99
The Complete Android N Developer Course
The Complete Android N Developer Course, available at $109.99
Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava
Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava, available at $19.99
Swift 3 and iOS 10 The Final course learn to code like a pro
Swift 3 and iOS 10 The Final course learn to code like a pro, available at $19.99
Swift and iOS8 Apps in 31 Days: Build 16 iPhone apps
Swift and iOS8 Apps in 31 Days: Build 16 iPhone apps, available at $34.99
Learning App Development in iOS 8
Learning App Development in iOS 8, available at $19.99
Apple Watch for Beginners, Learn by Making 5 Real-World Apps
Apple Watch for Beginners, Learn by Making 5 Real-World Apps, available at $19.99
Develop professional apps for Android and iOS using Livecode
Develop professional apps for Android and iOS using Livecode, available at $39.99