Oak Academy Courses


React Native and Router: Build Mobile Apps With React

React Native and Router: Build Mobile Apps With React, available at $74.99


PostgreSQL | Learn T-SQL Using PostgreSQL with Real Examples

PostgreSQL | Learn T-SQL Using PostgreSQL with Real Examples, available at $54.99


C# Restful API and WPF Core with MsSQL & EF Core

C# Restful API and WPF Core with MsSQL & EF Core, available at $69.99


Machine Learning and Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Python

Machine Learning and Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Python, available at $74.99


Spring Framework and Hibernate with ASP.NET MVC Course

Spring Framework and Hibernate with ASP.NET MVC Course, available at $69.99


React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context

React JS: React with Modern Hooks and Context, available at $79.99


Python | Python Projects & Quizzes for Python Data Science

Python | Python Projects & Quizzes for Python Data Science, available at $69.99


Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and React JS

Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and React JS, available at $89.99


JavaScript & Angular with Hands-on Examples

JavaScript & Angular with Hands-on Examples, available at $64.99


Vue & Vuex | Vue Js Front End Web Development with Vuex

Vue & Vuex | Vue Js Front End Web Development with Vuex, available at $74.99

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