Digital forms that email an attached PDF using Google Apps
Digital forms that email an attached PDF using Google Apps, available at $19.99
Outsourcing and Remote Teams – Getting Started
Outsourcing and Remote Teams – Getting Started, available at Free
Lean tools you can use "5S"
Lean tools you can use "5S", available at $39.99
Business Analytics: Analysing Third-Party Logistics Business
Business Analytics: Analysing Third-Party Logistics Business, available at Free
A comprehensive course on Event Operations
A comprehensive course on Event Operations, available at $44.99
Lean Six Sigma and Agile Methodology in Project Management
Lean Six Sigma and Agile Methodology in Project Management, available at $44.99
Procurement Management Practice Test
Procurement Management Practice Test, available at $44.99
Introduction to Oil and Gas Tankers
Introduction to Oil and Gas Tankers, available at $34.99
Compliance Management: Effective Compliance Program
Compliance Management: Effective Compliance Program, available at $19.99
Conscious Consumption, Environmental Stewardship Management
Conscious Consumption, Environmental Stewardship Management, available at $19.99