Rahul Arora Courses

Selenium 4 WebDriver with Java (Basics to Architect Level)

Selenium 4 WebDriver with Java (Basics to Architect Level), available at $119.99

Webservices API Testing with Rest Assured API & POSTMAN 2023

Webservices API Testing with Rest Assured API & POSTMAN 2023, available at $69.99

Appium – Mobile Testing with Latest 2.0 and Live Projects

Appium – Mobile Testing with Latest 2.0 and Live Projects, available at $109.99

Robot Framework – Codeless UI, API and Mobile Automation

Robot Framework – Codeless UI, API and Mobile Automation, available at $59.99

Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps

Protractor: End to End testing framework for AngularJS Apps, available at $64.99

Automation Architect – Selenium WebDriver – 9 Live Projects

Automation Architect – Selenium WebDriver – 9 Live Projects, available at $84.99

Cucumber 7.0 BDD for Selenium & Appium with Live Projects

Cucumber 7.0 BDD for Selenium & Appium with Live Projects, available at $64.99

JMETER – Master Performance & Load Testing(Basics + Advance)

JMETER – Master Performance & Load Testing(Basics + Advance), available at $59.99

Appium – Mobile App Automation in Python (Basics + Advance)

Appium – Mobile App Automation in Python (Basics + Advance), available at $89.99

Cypress V10+: UI + API Automation + CUCUMBER + Page Objects

Cypress V10+: UI + API Automation + CUCUMBER + Page Objects, available at $69.99