Sarthak Shrivastava Courses

Master Nuxt.js – A Vuejs framework by building projects

Master Nuxt.js – A Vuejs framework by building projects, available at $54.99

Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejs

Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejs, available at $19.99

Deno API with Mongo DB and Vuejs

Deno API with Mongo DB and Vuejs, available at $34.99

Laravel Vuejs Private (one to one) Chat App

Laravel Vuejs Private (one to one) Chat App, available at $44.99

Real Time Chat With Laravel Broadcast, Pusher and Vuejs

Real Time Chat With Laravel Broadcast, Pusher and Vuejs, available at Free

Laravel E-Commerce Restful API

Laravel E-Commerce Restful API, available at Free

Angular and Laravel Authentication and password reset.

Angular and Laravel Authentication and password reset., available at Free