Szabó Dániel Ernő Courses

Buildbot – The CI/CD framework

Buildbot – The CI/CD framework, available at $29.99

Nornir – Network Automation

Nornir – Network Automation, available at $24.99

Pony Programming Language

Pony Programming Language, available at $19.99

CherryPy – A minimalist web framework for python

CherryPy – A minimalist web framework for python, available at $44.99

C++ – OOP, definitive guide

C++ – OOP, definitive guide, available at $19.99

Pyxel – a retro game engine for Python

Pyxel – a retro game engine for Python, available at $19.99

Open Source Puppet with Foreman – Definitive Guide

Open Source Puppet with Foreman – Definitive Guide, available at $24.99

Python – A course for absolute beginners

Python – A course for absolute beginners, available at Free

Vagrant Master Course

Vagrant Master Course, available at Free