C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners
C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.5, with 82 lectures, based on 45140 reviews, and has 671290 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll be able to develop powerful C++ programs You'll be able to apply for C++ jobs, with at least a possibility of success You'll understand the basics of computer programming, including Object Orientation This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is intended for those who are computer literate and familiar with downloading and unzipping files, using the Internet and so on, and who want to learn to program or C++ is one of the more challenging computer programming languages — so expect to encounter difficulties! You will need a degree of patience and persistence. It is particularly useful for This course is intended for those who are computer literate and familiar with downloading and unzipping files, using the Internet and so on, and who want to learn to program or C++ is one of the more challenging computer programming languages — so expect to encounter difficulties! You will need a degree of patience and persistence.
Enroll now: C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners
Title: C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll be able to develop powerful C++ programs
- You'll be able to apply for C++ jobs, with at least a possibility of success
- You'll understand the basics of computer programming, including Object Orientation
Who Should Attend
- This course is intended for those who are computer literate and familiar with downloading and unzipping files, using the Internet and so on, and who want to learn to program
- C++ is one of the more challenging computer programming languages — so expect to encounter difficulties! You will need a degree of patience and persistence.
Target Audiences
- This course is intended for those who are computer literate and familiar with downloading and unzipping files, using the Internet and so on, and who want to learn to program
- C++ is one of the more challenging computer programming languages — so expect to encounter difficulties! You will need a degree of patience and persistence.
This course teaches you the powerful, fast and popular C++ programming language from scratch, assuming only basic computer knowledge. If you want to develop apps that squeeze the most power from your computer — high-end desktop games or complex artificial intelligence programs, for instance — or if you want to use a language that let's you get close to your machine and access all of your computer's hardware, C++ is the language for you. While C++ is quite challenging, in this course we'll learn the basics step by step; towards the end of the course you'll learn how to create a beautiful "particle fire" program, including a smattering of the basic principles of game development.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Introducing C++
Lecture 2: Screen Resolution
Lecture 3: Setup and Installation
Lecture 4: Hello World C++
Lecture 5: Outputting Text
Chapter 2: Basic Syntax
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: Strings – Working with Text
Lecture 3: User Input
Lecture 4: Binary Numbers and Computer Memory
Lecture 5: Integer Types
Lecture 6: Floating Point Types
Lecture 7: Other Types: Char and Bool
Lecture 8: If
Lecture 9: If-Else
Lecture 10: If-Else If-Else
Lecture 11: Comparing Floats
Lecture 12: C++ Conditions
Lecture 13: While Loops
Lecture 14: Do-While Loops
Lecture 15: "For" Loops
Lecture 16: Break and Continue
Lecture 17: Arrays – Lists of Data
Lecture 18: Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 19: Sizeof and Arrays
Lecture 20: Sizeof Multidimensional Arrays
Lecture 21: Switch
Chapter 3: Subroutines: Reusable Blocks of Code
Lecture 1: Functions
Lecture 2: Return Values
Lecture 3: Function Parameters
Lecture 4: Headers and Prototypes
Chapter 4: Object Oriented Coding
Lecture 1: Classes
Lecture 2: Data Members
Lecture 3: C++ Constructors and Destructors
Lecture 4: C++ Getters and Setters
Lecture 5: C++ String Streams
Lecture 6: Overloading Constructors
Lecture 7: The "this" Keyword
Lecture 8: Constructor Initialization Lists
Chapter 5: Pointers and Memory
Lecture 1: Pointers
Lecture 2: Arithmetic
Lecture 3: Pointers and Arrays
Lecture 4: Pointer Arithmetic
Lecture 5: Char Arrays
Lecture 6: Reversing a String
Lecture 7: References
Lecture 8: The "const" Keyword
Lecture 9: Copy Constructors
Lecture 10: The New Operator
Lecture 11: Returning Objects from Functions
Lecture 12: Allocating Memory
Lecture 13: Arrays and Functions
Lecture 14: Namespaces
Chapter 6: Inheritance
Lecture 1: Inheritance
Lecture 2: Encapsulation
Lecture 3: Constructor Inheritance
Chapter 7: Odds and Ends: Twos Complement and Static Variables
Lecture 1: Twos Complement
Lecture 2: Static Keyword
Chapter 8: Developing a Program: The Particle Fire Simulation
Lecture 1: Particle Fire Explosion
Lecture 2: Using C++ Libraries
Lecture 3: Aquiring Simple Direct Media Layer
Lecture 4: A Basic SDL Program
Lecture 5: Creating an SDL Window
Lecture 6: Textures, Renderers and Buffers
Lecture 7: Setting Pixel Colors
Lecture 8: Creating the Screen Class
Lecture 9: Bit Shifting and Colors
Lecture 10: Adding a Set Pixel Method
Lecture 11: Animating Colors
Lecture 12: Creating Particles
Lecture 13: Animating Particles
Lecture 14: Creating an Explosion
Lecture 15: Ensuring Constant Speed
Lecture 16: Bitwise "And"
Lecture 17: Implementing Box Blur
Lecture 18: Tweaking Particle Motion
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Languages Overview
Lecture 2: What Next
Chapter 10: Bonus
Lecture 1: Object Oriented Design Considerations
Lecture 2: Postfix and Prefix
Lecture 3: Polymorphism
Lecture 4: Creating Static Libraries
Chapter 11: Advanced C++!
Lecture 1: Congratulations, and an Advanced C++ Course
John Purcell
Software Development Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 730 votes
- 2 stars: 1038 votes
- 3 stars: 5717 votes
- 4 stars: 15738 votes
- 5 stars: 21919 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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